#Storytime || September 10th 2018
Hey guys! Guess who's back! Back again! Its me! Yes and I am back with a story to tell. So gather round and listen up. Its gonna be pretty short but again I go through hell so you don't have to. So... Story Time!
So guys before I proceed let me explain. Normally I give you the full run down of my day from start to finish and I give you the spicy parts in detail yes? Now due to the new environment I am there are certain things that I have to keep silent on. So I cant say where I work although if you know me personally you already know this. Basically some thinbgs have to be "Hush Hush". Now that that is out of the way... let the talking begin.
Now this is gonna be a short one for all you enjoy the long drawn out ones sorry to disappoint lmao. Anyway this happened at the end of my shift yeah. So customer called in all chirpy and shit. So im like (paraphrasing the whole convo by the way)
ME: Hi thank you for calling REDACTED blah blah blah etc.
SHE: Hi my bill increased and I wanna know why.
M: Ok no problem, I gotchu fam
S: bere giggling all nice and shit (unbeknownst to me a demon which feeds on stupidity lived within her little mind)
So mi go so boom load up her account and thing come to realize she had some promotions/ discounts that expired. Now lets stop there for a second because this is vital to the story. Now when promotions are added on the accounts it could either be in the forms of monthly adjustments ie: discounts or like some free shit. So I tend to use them interchangeably and the customers generally understand this. Cool? Cool. Back to the story.
M: So your bill increased due to the fact that you had some promotions on the account which expired recently. However not to worry im gonna get you some new ones yay.
S: Um... promotion?? What promotion?? I never had any promotion and I never authorized any on my account.
M: Lady.... you had these promotions since your contract started
S: No I didn't.....I dont even have any movie channels
M: .....
Shes dead serious about it that she never had any promotions on her account. So I come again but this time I say discount to see if maybe shes just one of the slow ones.
M: The "DISCOUNTS" you had on your account expired....
S: What discounts are you talking about?
M: -audible sigh-
M: So yes thats why your bill increased.
S: I don't understand what your talking about with these discounts and promotions. You still havent explained why my bill increased. I dont see why I should be paying this much and I dont even have any movie channels...
M: .... Do you WANT some movie channels?? (Me offering cause Im nice and I keep it fancy)
S: No I dont have any movie channels...
M: Yes I understand Im asking if you WANT any movie channels?
S: NO I never said I wanted any movie channels.... I dont even watch them,
M: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
At this point I am not even sitting in my chair anymore Im pacing up and down trying to understand the meaning of life and find out in myself if I'm speaking a different language, using some incorrect words or something else because Im confused. So at this point I go see if I can just go find a new promotion and get her off my line cause shift done nigga wanna go home.So to clarify the discounts she had were $30 off and $27 off yeah both of those expired. So I found chick $60 off for 12 months yeah. Should be an easy fix done deal.... Nope.
M: So I checked with my promotions team and got yo ass a $60 for 12 months How bou dah?
S: I dont want any discounts I just want my bill lowered back to where it was before nothing else!
M: Visible confusion Buck
S: You still havent explained my bill either. Again you just keep talking about these promotions that I never had on my account. Can you just tell me why my bill increased or just get me your supervisor.
M: -explains the shit again-
S: -sighs-
M: So again Im able to lower your bill by $60 for the next 12 months.
S: why is that??? So youre saying I have to keep calling in every couple months to get a promotion?
M: No this is going to lower your bill going forward for the next 12 months.
S: That doesnt make any sense, youre not making any sense right now. I want my bill lowered to where it was and I dont want any promotions.
M: So... how would you like us to proceed at this point. Again this is going to lower your bill for the next 12 months.
S: just get me a supervisor because youre making absolutely No sense right now.
M: Aight fam one moment
Sup: Hi... yadda yadda
S: -explains everything she said to me-
Sup: Explain everything I explained to she.
S: You know what I want to cancel my account
WE: Que Le Fuq? -Transfer-
Now to give you a sense of how annoying this whole exchange was, it took over 40 minutes. One call generally doesn't pass 15 minutes as a rule. Sigh. Well I hope you all enjoyed. Right now mi all wha cuss her to how she fool. SMH. Bye now :)
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