The Act Of Falling In Love...
We think that for a number of reasons…you could have been hurt in the past by a guy and we don’t want to be associated with him by a stereotype, you could not be interested in us and think we’re creepy, the usual stuff. Anyways, as you talk to her more and more and time passes by. Days. Weeks. Months. However long it takes…you find your days strange if you don’t talk to her. She’s on your mind all the time. Everything from “man I wish she was here…” to “I can’t get over how beautiful her eyes are…I see them every time I close mine…”. Then next thing you know you’re with her, and your heart starts racing as you begin to get shaky. You don’t want her to see your hand trembling, but in front of everybody you physically flirt a little to test the waters. And if she plays back you swallow everything and lightly go to take her hand. In front of every one.
Your friends are cheering you on in their heads, but you can see it in their eyes. And then you look into hers just to see if she’s just as nervous as you are…..and at that point it’s fair to say you’ve fallen for a girl. Maybe not totally gone off the ledge, fallen in love. But she’s definitely going to be almost every thought you have. And every moment you’re not with her, you’re going to wish you were. And if you’re lucky enough to reach the point where she starts taking your hand first? Good luck son. Heart will be skipping beats. Pulses will be sky rocketing. Words may even stutter. I guess what I’m getting at is, a girl is kind of like an addiction. Not in a bad way (most the time). But once one catches your attention you can never get enough of her. You want more. You want to see her more. You want to hold her more. And above all else you want her to smile more…because all of those things, they give you a rush you just can’t replace. This is love.
Sidenote: This speaks to me on a very deep level right now now because I think I am experiencing some of these effects now and yet I am not sure how to proceed.
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