Hello again to all you wonderful people who continually return to read the words my mind throws up on your monitors. In today's post we will be looking at "On-line Relationships". The Pros the Cons and whether or not they are destined to fail
Written by sir alwayne

2012 My Year In Review

/  Friday, December 21, 2012
     Before I actually begin, I would first like to say that I JUST realized that I didn't do a review of 2011 :/ that kinda sucks on a major scale. HOWEVER!!! I DID do a 2010 Review so that kinda doesn't suck right? You can
Written by sir alwayne

Christmas ... Bah Humbug

/  Friday, December 07, 2012
     Hello one and all. Its Christmas season... again. You know what that means don't you??? Christmas songs blaring through the airwaves day in and day out. Over and over and over... and over again. So today I have decided to make this post
Written by sir alwayne
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