GUEST POST: Mysteries Revealed

Mysteries Revealed
Written By: Jodi-Ann Riley
Mysteries Revealed
Feel this rhythm?
It's booming from my soul
Calling you forth
Into dimensions unknown
Twisted and raveled
Lets think about it
Are you sure you want a peek?
Into something so mysterious..
I think I should keep it from you
And make it my own little secret
Lets just say i have the mind of an artist
It's something only we ourselves can understand
But still yet not being able to fully grasps
It's true intentions
But we play along with the games
Do you think everyone can do this?
Turn blank pages into a work of art
Straight from the beginning to the end
My own little art
No one will ever be able to take it away from me
It's mine alone
So in this way I deem myself as unique
Spinning these words
To tell my own little tail
Giving you a little glimpse
Into my mind
Every word I utter
Leaving it unto you to decipher
Welcome to my little game
This thing I play neither for the money nor the fame
But to remain at least a bit sane
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