The Cell Phone Saga

/  Tuesday, March 12, 2013
     Welcome one and all to yet another post by the awesomeness which is Alwayne. So today I signed into my blogs backpage and saw a couple post from other blogs I follow. One of them came from Mamachel which further led to
Written by sir alwayne

Unfinished Conversations

/  Wednesday, March 06, 2013
     You ever receive some messages at some of the strangest times? "Hey, What's Up? You Good?" Something along those lines??? You reply saying everything is all good and dandy how are you etc etc.  Person replies they good and shit and them boom
Written by sir alwayne

GUEST POST: Dear Departed Love

/  Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Dear Departed Love Written By: Ornella Green  Where hath thy love gone? Our journey together has come to a climatic halt. No longer am I rolling around in your bed and resting on your pillows. Nor are we curled up on my couch
Written by sir alwayne

GUEST POST: Mysteries Revealed

/  Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Mysteries Revealed Written By: Jodi-Ann Riley Feel this rhythm? It's booming from my soul Calling you forth Into dimensions unknown Twisted and raveled Lets think about it Are you sure you want a peek? Into something so mysterious..
Written by sir alwayne
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