Brain Fart: New Age.. Classics?

/  Thursday, October 30, 2014
     So...I'm at work right and the radio a beat some tune and mi deh deh a rock my head and thing.. then it hit me... These songs will be classics in a few years for our current generation...
Written by sir alwayne

Travelling Ebola

/  Thursday, October 16, 2014
     Very short post today, but I really want to know... So tell me now, you have a plane with someone who has been to Liberia and you ALLOW the plane to land? Furthermore you send this person on their merry way
Written by sir alwayne


/  Friday, October 10, 2014
     Hello guys, as usual I'm here to give you my take another topic. Today we are talking about what's on everyone's mind these days... the dreaded Chik-V which is plaguing the Caribbean currently AND Ebola.
Written by sir alwayne
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