Chapter Black: Rebirth

/  Saturday, April 09, 2016
     Some of you may or may not know me in real life. But from what I post about on here you should have a semblance of understanding into the workings of my life. So what I am about to say shouldnt
Written by sir alwayne

Its just NOT so!

/  Saturday, April 09, 2016
     Hey guys. Its me...again...then again it wouldn't be anyone else right? yeah so yeah it's me. Hello. So i',m here to talk to you about...myself. Yay. Short post incoming!       Now you have a stigma attached to the male gender
Written by sir alwayne
     Hey guys, so I KNOW I said I would attempt to start writing again. Also I KNOW I said I would do this on a regular basis...Buuuuut, yeah, never got around to doing that. Forgive me? Yes?! Thanks! You guys are
Written by sir alwayne

Into depression

/  Sunday, April 03, 2016
     Hey guys it's me again. So I'm just gonna talk about my day. Why? Because it's my blog and I can. Don't worry I'll keep it very short.
Written by sir alwayne

My Best Friend.

/  Saturday, April 02, 2016
    Hi guys, at least whoever still reads my posts. I'm here to day to talk about something out of the ordinary. I'm gonna tell you about my best friend and the odd but perfect relationship we have. Its rather interesting if i
Written by sir alwayne
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