God Complex (Brian Fart)

/  Thursday, May 31, 2012
     Ok so this post is completely out of the way crazy, just thought i'd get that out of the way from now. So in this post we will explore a certain theory which all boils down to the simple concept of
Written by sir alwayne
You can listen to this while you read. :) Weed vs Government      Puff, Puff, Pass is the topic this time folks so for all you smokers this one is for you. Now I myself am not a part of the smoking
Written by sir alwayne

The Rastafarian Movement

/  Tuesday, May 22, 2012
In recent times we have seen quite a few self proclaimed "Rastas" walking around most of which are as I like to call them "Fashion Dreads" and there is nothing wrong with that (for the most part). Some of them DO follow the
Written by sir alwayne

Chivalry: Is It Dead???

/  Saturday, May 19, 2012
     Greetings, salutations and all the other forms of hello and such you can think of, as you can clearly see from the topic of this post, we are going to find out one thing for certain; is Chivalry "dead" so to
Written by sir alwayne
Okay let me start by saying, I don't usually do movie reviews but this one irked me. With that being said, onto the meat of the matter.
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne
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