Has anyone ever had certain thoughts locked away in their mind and hear someone else speak on it and all those thoughts start to swim around in your head? That's what happened to me yesterday from a surprising yet not so far fetched source. So yesterday ( Feb. 21, 2011) as I was heading back to work to consume some food, I passed this "Mad Man" walking in the same direction as me. What he said was "We are all the same when we die we all going back to the dirt beneath our feet, so unuh fi stop gwan like unno betta dan nuhbady else". As I listened I was thinking... Damn, its true. This isn't a new theory to me as I pointed out earlier but it struck me then because I haven't really thought about it that much in a while. We as a people (not just jamaicans but people on a whole) tend to put ourselves on pedestals claiming superiority and placing those we feel unworthy beneath us. But if you look at it carefully those beneath us are the ones who actually help us reach to the heights we are at. If it wasn't for their strength to hold us up we would all be at the same level. The way I see it the ones beneath us are superior to the ones above.
So even some of you girls who boasting about unno pretty looks and latest fashion and what not, if it wasn't for the ugly cyaa dress waste girl unno wouldn't have anybody to be better than or boast against. Unno whe boast bout unno man can fuck good guess wha? The same girl you a boast to a coulda she same one teach your man so go easy.
Another thing now is the corruption in this country called Jamaica -___-
Yesterday again when I was heading back to work I met up on two friends from high school male and female. The girl was seeking a 350000 dollar loan and asked if I knew anyone that could help her out. I truthfully replied that I didn't. Now me with my inquisitive self tek up and ask her what it was for. She told me it was for her brother in a VERY bad situation. Her brother apparently borrowed some money from the wrong people. He didn't know these people were....those kind of people until they told him they needed that money that day by 3:30 or else... Now here the thing, the dude had only borrowed 30 grand right but after these "People" added charges, surcharges, interest and whatever other amount pf money them want to add to it the figure comes up to the 350 grand my friend was in need of. The corruption comes in however when she tell me they threatened his life and she told him to go to the police. Apparently that was a very bad move. The very same police he spoke is in league with the people he had borrowed the money from. Fucked up isn't it??? This police in turn told the brother that if he didn't have the cash to pay the people by 3:30 whatever they did to him would be no problem of his, and as far as he was concerned they never had that conversation. You tell me now, these are the people we depend on to protect us??? People who are in league with the ones who want to hurt us?? No one can be trusted nowadays not even your very family can you give 100% trust anymore. So the saying "Trust No Nigga Fear No Bitch" stands firm and at the ready
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone powered by Claro 3G.
So another valentimes (Single Awareness Day) day came and went without fail. You may be wondering why I spelt it "ValentiMes". Well thats simply to bring forward the fact that some people don't know what love is at any other point throughout the year except for this day. That and its how I used to say it when I was younger :) anywho that's not really the point of the whole matter so let's get down to the nitty gritty of it (I always wanted to say that :D )
Many wallets were emptied by men to purchase many variations of chocolates and teddy bears for their "special someone" and many a woman has to be in bed today due to be the overuse of their babymaker programming. I on the other hand woke up went to work went home jumped on the internet then went to bed. The way I see it that was a day well spent. Now for all of you who celebrate this day, good for you and all but I for one won't be celebrating this day anytime soon. You may ask why and ill tell you by giving you a short history lesson.
February 14th 1492 was the day when a man by the name of PEDRO VALENTINO of SPAIN was caught having sexual intercourse with a child. The christians of Spain caught him red handed and handed him to the authorities. He was sentenced to death. His last words were 'I did this in the name of love'. He also drew the heart symbol <3 if you turn it upside down it looks like an ass/bottom. All the homosexuals announced that this day should be The Day of LOVE and gave PEDRO VALENTINO the title SAINT. since then this day got to be called
A few of you might say youre not celebrating it for that reason or make up some excuse but guess what?? The fact still remains the origins of the day weren't exactly first class standards.
Now you decide what you want to do and don't feel bad if you were alone yesterday!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone powered by Claro 3G.
i was shaking my head the whole time watching this. and dat nigga be nasty as fuck having all that phlegm hanging out and still talking. on the flipside however the chick is fucked up for even posting it "/ give us your take. post your comment below
Good sexual intercourse lasts minutes, not hours, therapists say
Satisfactory sexual intercourse for couples lasts from 3 to 13 minutes, contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of sexual activity, according to a survey of U.S. and Canadian sex therapists.
Penn State Erie researchers Eric Corty and Jenay Guardiani conducted a survey of 50 full members of the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, which include psychologists, physicians, social workers, marriage/family therapists and nurses who have collectively seen thousands of patients over several decades.
Thirty-four, or 68 percent, of the group responded and rated a range of time amounts for sexual intercourse, from penetration of the vagina by the penis until ejaculation, that they considered adequate, desirable, too short and too long.
The average therapists’ responses defined the ranges of intercourse activity times: "adequate," from 3-7 minutes; "desirable," from 7-13 minutes; "too short" from 1-2 minutes; and "too long" from 10-30 minutes.
"A man’s or woman’s interpretation of his or her sexual functioning as well as the partner’s relies on personal beliefs developed in part from society’s messages, formal and informal," the researchers said. “"Unfortunately, today’s popular culture has reinforced stereotypes about sexual activity. Many men and women seem to believe the fantasy model of large penises, rock-hard erections and all-night-long intercourse. "
Past research has found that a large percentage of men and women, who responded, wanted sex to last 30 minutes or longer.
"This seems a situation ripe for disappointment and dissatisfaction," said lead author Eric Corty, associate professor of psychology. "With this survey, we hope to dispel such fantasies and encourage men and women with realistic data about acceptable sexual intercourse, thus preventing sexual disappointments and dysfunctions."
Corty and Guardiani, then-undergraduate student and now a University graduate, are publishing their findings in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, but the article is currently available online.
The survey’s research also has implications for treatment of people with existing sexual problems.
"If a patient is concerned about how long intercourse should last, these data can help shift the patient away from a concern about physical disorders and to be initially treated with counseling, instead of medicine," Corty noted.
Sooooo its another day at work yup but enough about that.....for now.
The topic right now is "Pretty Girls" but apparently I left a word out of that topic. The revised topic reads "Pretty Dunce Girls"
These types of women are the ones that really piss me off >.< (Now we insert the part of the day mentioned somewhere up to in the beggining)
So I'm here sitting down and this woman walks up to the counter ya dig? You all know I LOVE breasts right? (If you DON'T know this you DON'T know me!!) Especially the big juici looking ones :) And hers were banging!!! anywho back to the whole situation.
The mind works in mysterious ways
You can be asleep and yet be wide awake
Your subconscious coming alive
As your consciousness ebbs away
My subconscious doesn't seem to like me
She tells me time and time again
How much it word be her joy
To rip me apart
Destroy my body
Kill me
Every night as I drift into the dark abyss of sleep
She rears her head
Takes over my mind and body
Pushing me urging me to annihilate myself
This night however is different
Tonight I try to fight back
But the mind is weak
The subconscious is more powerful than we can ever imagine
She walks me to the kitchen
It looks rather ominous at night
Akin to an unfamiliar territory
But subconsciously I can navigate it with ease
Curse that subconscious bitch
I am forced to approach my set of knives
An aura of evil seems to surround them
I try earnestly to regain control but to no avail
She triumphs once again
I grip the knife and remove it from its housing
The blade honed to a deadly point gleaming in the midnight moon
The creatures of the night seem to have sensed my impending doom
The tempo and volume of the sounds crescendo
They peak and then wither out to slow steady beat
The knife edges towards my wrist
Slowly I drag it across my flesh
It slides thru with ease
I feel nothing but a fleeting sense of relief
And then the pain slowly leaks Into me
The thin line of red slowly appears
And I slice my wrist yet again
And again the pain sneaks upon me
It suddenly doesn't feel so bad
The pain is like a drug
Shooting into my system
Like my special brand of drug
I'm happy
Suddenly I don't mind that the bitch is out to get me
I dare her to do it again
And that she does
Over and over again
Cutting these wounds into my skin
Mutilating my flesh
I cry in pain but also in exstacy
Blissfully sitting on the kitchen floor in my own blood
Smiling inside and out
But after awhile the pain is just not enough I look around for something else to wound myself with but I find nothing
Curse me and my cautious ways
I turn back to the knife
The source of my pleasure
I immediately have the urge to be a surgeon
I force the knife into my chest
Twisting and turning it in
Slicing my self into euphoria
I'm on cloud nine
And my subconscious suddenly doesn't want to play anymore
She sees what is about to take place and she becomes frightened
She tries to talk to me urging me to cease
But I tune her out
Continuously removing the knife and plunging it back inside of me
It feels so good
I feel like I'm on the verge of winning this war
I've regained control of my body
But I no longer wish to stop
I feel happier than I've ever felt in all my life
I see the finish line ahead and proceed with my final move
I tell the bitch I'm going to remove her from my head once and for all
She screams in terror
Frantically trying to take control
But to no avail
The pain has made me strong and my subconscious weak
I run the knife around the top of my head
The scalp has to go
But alas I'm met with my skull
My heart plunges
What can I do now
She remains within me
I search the kitchen again
I find hidden at the back of my cupboard an axe
I'm elated
She screams at me again
I slam the axe into my head
This time her screams are of pain and anguish
Every time she screams I plunge the axe further
I feel myself drifting away as if some weight was leaving my body
And I could finally sleep
I plunge it in one final time and her voice ceases
I am finally happy
It hurts so bad but the pain as well dwindles away into nothingness
I am free from her dark embrace........
The Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not Matter.
Disgracing to Jamaican women as well as jamaica on a whole but seriously. Look pan har??? She a HUGLY mafucka and a gwaan like seh rae an tae tssssk. all i know is i was laughing mad hard when them start beat her bombo!!! :D ENJOY!!!
The Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not Matter.
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