Madagascar 3: Europes Most Wanted      I don't know if its the kid in me or what but i thoroughly enjoyed this movie right here :). I was just a teensy bit sceptical at first about it because in my mind I couldn't
Written by sir alwayne

Can a Woman Rape a Man?

/  Saturday, June 16, 2012
     You see the topic of rape is widely talked about you know, and there are many who have mixed feelings and views on how rape stands when its a woman doing it to a man. So let us debate... Can a
Written by sir alwayne

The Versatile Blogger

/  Thursday, June 14, 2012
Speech Enuh~      -In my announcer voice- The final nominee for the award of Versatile blogger goes to .... drum roll please *drumroll* ME!!!!! *runs wildly onto stage grabs award and mic* First off I want to thank my family and friend *fake
Written by sir alwayne
     Greetings one and all, I'm back with another interesting post here. Today we'll be looking at something that not many people think about ie: Should women take the initiative when it comes to certain things.... Lets go.
Written by sir alwayne
     First off lets talk about my awesome title up there :) isnt it awesome. Google translate is my bitch ^_^ but seriously doesnt it sound awesome to say??? Admit it, thats the most badass title you've EVER seen! Right?? Yeah I
Written by sir alwayne

The Loved Ones (A Review)

/  Friday, June 08, 2012
     First off let me give a shout out to @ShawnaWTF (she has a blog click it >>>> Blog) for telling me about this movie lol. It came out in 2009 and im just watching it, just hearing about it as  well so
Written by sir alwayne
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