Polygamous by Design, Monogamous by Law
Is it wrong for a man to have more than one wife? Some people will say yes and some will say no. Regardless of your views on the matter both parties are correct. Now let me drop some science on you really quick. The population consists of roughly 10 women to every 1 man [Please note I said roughly]. Now take into consideration that although more males are born than females it is a well known fact that we have more male murders than females worldwide. So even though yes more of us are born, we are the endangered gender. It's mildly ironic.
Coming back to the future or present [depends on your view on things I suppose] we have laws which stipulate that it is illegal and immoral to have more than one wife. I say shame on you government. We are merely following instructions handed down from the dawn of time. I would also go as far as to say that it is because of these laws that many a man has gone "astray" so to speak. I mean look at it, if its illegal to marry more than one woman at a time of course the man will resort to other means and methods to get what he wants I.E. : Matey.
Now being that they find it OK to legalize marriage between 2 men or 2 women I really don't see what so hard in making it OK for a man to MARRY more than one woman. It's a biblical practice and is also a way to ensure survival of the human species. Even worse now that men are marrying men and the same for women, those who still go for the traditional man to woman relationships should be more than able to make that choice if they so choose. By making it illegal you've basically destroyed a part of what made us, us really.That's all I'm saying, but what do I know. #KanyeShrug
So what I'm saying basically is change can and should be made. What's the worse that could happen? :)
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