The Future Isn't What It Used To Be...
So... I'm
Have A Relationship
For the past couple of years or so I've opted to avoid relationships on a whole because being the person that I am [Introverted and all] I preferred to be by myself. Life was just... easier that way. However, growing a bit older [still Introverted and all, just not as much] I find myself wanting to be in a relationship. However seeing as my experience in this department is sorely lacking, this may prove to be harder than I expected. It will be a challenge but hopefully this can be achieved in a certain time frame.
Have A Stable Career
Where I currently work is "okay" but its not all right if you know what I mean. Let me explain because, well, I'm nice like that. Ok so yes I am working and sure I get paid [whew], however this money can't do much for me in a crisis. For example if I'm wearing a shoe and it gives up the ghost on me today, yes I could go buy another pair but that one purchase would put me out for a good week or so. See what I'm saying? Also for the sake of my pride[what's left of it] I shall forgo telling you how much I currently earn because...well, it's THAT bad. On top of that it is nearly impossible for me to save literally anything nowadays... [Misses old job]. With that in mind I need a new job or need to get started on my career. Can you say entrepreneur??
Own A Car
Own House
No one at a certain age should want to be living in the house they grew up in. You should be attempting to procure a dwelling place of your own or if not that far ahead you should most likely be planning to purchase a piece of land on which you plan to put said house on in the future. This has so far not even started in my life as yet sadly. It's on the runway but has begun to even move to achieve lift off.
Beginnings Of A Family
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