Shedding the "Nice Guy" Mentality
So what's up guys?? Everyone fine? Good good, well here's the thing... I'm not. In the interest of every ones time I'll make this rather short. So grab a small soda and chug it by the time your done you should be finished reading this [or not].
So yeah, I've come to wits end with being the "nice guy". I've finally come to the realization that its a pointless concept and lifestyle. You all should know the whole nice guy finishes last crap right? Well guess what.... It's true. I'm tired of being taken advantage of in various scenarios which populate my daily life, over and over again. Now I will not be bold enough to say this change will take immediate effect. No, that would be thinking way too highly of myself. What I will however say is that progression from the Nice Guy to something better will begin as of today. I've been mulling it over for quite some time now, but the proverbial donkeys back has been broken by the proverbial last straw. So to all my friends and compatriots, enemies and whoever else alike. Expect a change in the coming weeks. Some of you may like it some of you may not, but frankly I don't give a rats ass what you think at this moment. With that being said and done I hereby rest my case. Bye for now.
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