Slang Overload

/  Sunday, July 29, 2012
     "SWAG!" the Teenage Latino whispered, as he posted yet another photo of Kicks and a Snapback on Instagram.... Everyone alive today and actively participates in online activities has most likely already heard this terminology being used over and over.....and over again.
Written by sir alwayne

Celebrity Dick Riders

/  Thursday, July 26, 2012
     Hey guys, its me again...on the agenda today we have "Dick Riders".... Yeah I Said It!! When I say dick riders however I dont mean it in a sexual manner. No not one bit, but before I actually get into the
Written by sir alwayne art-form which is on the brink of extinction. The reason for this lies mainly on the fact that most people are only capable of finding the time to cater to themselves when it comes to sex. Before I get into this however
Written by sir alwayne

We are, I am, you are.....

/  Friday, July 06, 2012
     Just found this and thought it was an interesting read. Here's the page I got it from (source) although it looks like the site has been moved to a new location. Enjoy :)
Written by sir alwayne

The Me I Used To Be

/  Wednesday, July 04, 2012
I look into the mirror I know what I see is me But is it the me of now? Or the me I used to be I see myself alone and yet I'm with my friends My heart begins to groan for I foresee the end
Written by sir alwayne

Lockout (A Review)

/  Tuesday, July 03, 2012
LOCKOUT      Welcome back one and all, I am here again with another movie review. This time we take a look at the movie Lockout. Though you should have realized that already from the title... Anyway, where do I begin??? Continue reading after the
Written by sir alwayne

Breast Laws

/  Monday, July 02, 2012
     Ok guys I am here again with another short post dealing with, yes you guessed correctly, Breasts. Now I am of the belief that women should be able to show their breast in the same way a man can walk around
Written by sir alwayne
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