The Great Debate: Males VS Females

/  Saturday, September 15, 2012
     The subject matter on which this post is based on, is one which has for years been seen as unsettled. That subject matter just happens to be the great debate on how it is that a man may do whatever he
Written by sir alwayne

Tommy Lee and His Spartan Demons

/  Monday, September 10, 2012
     I told you guys before enuh. I TOLD you. Not everything you hear and see you must follow. This entertainer Tommy Lee has just like Kartel, brainwashed the Jamaican people. Everywhere you turn you see people throwing up the hand sign
Written by sir alwayne

Fat VS Fluffy/Thick (Brain Fart)

/  Wednesday, September 05, 2012
     Hello, hello... ladies and gentlemen. Its has come to my attention (not really) that some women are still not understanding the difference between being fat and being fluffy. For those who arent Jamaican, Fluffy is (as you can see from the
Written by sir alwayne

The Job Hunt Continues...

/  Tuesday, September 04, 2012
     As many of you may know by now, I am currently unemployed. If you didn't know this already then now you know. It is not the fact that I am unemployed that we are speaking about today however, it is the fact that
Written by sir alwayne

Those Offline Messengers...

/  Monday, September 03, 2012
     You may have figured out by now that I am sort of a ranter (if that is really a word), and I am here with another short rant today. Its about something I really hate. I don't know why I hate
Written by sir alwayne

GUEST POST: Relationship Shackles

/  Monday, September 03, 2012
    Hello again one and all. We are here once more with yet another Guest Post. The topic on hand this time around is Shackles places on males/females in relationships by their partners. This was written by none other that @SwadeDaVillain. Its
Written by sir alwayne

Dating: The Hierarchy

/  Sunday, September 02, 2012
     "She's too good for you bro", "She's out of your league", "Don't even bother, you cant get with her...", "In your dreams..." and the list goes on. These and many more phrases can typically be heard once an average guy (such as myself)
Written by sir alwayne
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