Four Jamaicans

/  Sunday, March 27, 2011
Four Jamaicans were sitting smoking weed They were all philosophizing on what was the fastest thing in the world. Natty said, " Me tink de fassis ting is a thought, because b4 u can tink it, it already thought." G B said, "
Written by sir alwayne
We have all had that one person who complains about this and that when it comes to a one night stand, booty call, one time fling etc. Frankly some of these people can be VEEERY annoying and as such contracts / agreements have
Written by sir alwayne
So we have gone over Twitter Etiquette and we have gone over Facebook Etiquette but there's yet another form of communication in which quite a few people need a bit of drawing up in, and that is as the title states Blackberry Etiquette
Written by sir alwayne

How To: Stalker 101

/  Friday, March 18, 2011
People tend to think that being a stalker is an easy venture but in truth and in fact its a very difficult task. Many different criteria have to be filled in order for someone to successfully be a stalker and stalk someone. A
Written by sir alwayne
Sáni Xclamation says: It's always the prettiest girls who prefer girls. Why?? Alwayne Says:  This was asked on facebook and on twitter and there was a slow but steady influx of replies mostly by the female species if i may add and there
Written by sir alwayne

Letting Go....

/  Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Voices haunt me the voices in my head I can't seem to stop the razor because it wants me dead They say the good die first but that seems to be a lie Unless it means I'm bad because I am still alive
Written by sir alwayne

The Fallen

/  Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I am strong and yet I am weak Torn from my throne Thrown to the dogs thrown from my home My life has been changed in more ways than one Dishonored and failed by my daughters and sons I'm no longer as powerful
Written by sir alwayne

Pain Is Bliss

/  Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Another day in the life and times of me Another day added on to the last time I've seen your face I've been counting for three years now unable to forget your touch Unable to forget your smell or your face I've been
Written by sir alwayne
So i recently did a post on a list of some things you should not do on Twitter here>>> Twitter Etiquette <<< so i thought to would only be fair to do one for facebook right???? Yeah So Here is a list
Written by sir alwayne
So we all know about the social networking website known as Twitter, well we all should anyway #KanyeShrug. But we all know that with every bit of knowledge there is an equally opposite lack of it. So let me educate some of you
Written by sir alwayne

This Is Me

/  Monday, March 07, 2011
     Hi my name is Brady Alwayne Brown. I was born in Mandeville, Manchester JM. on the 3rd Day Of The 3rd Month in the 89 year of my century. At the time im a single 22 year old. This post was
Written by sir alwayne

My Bucket List

/  Sunday, March 06, 2011
Alwaynes Bucket List Now we all know what a bucket list is...or at least we should.....if not your probably ready to kick the bucket now *gives bucket and wait for you to kick* ( CLICK ME ) for those of you who do
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne
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