GUEST POST: Mother Moon

/  Thursday, August 23, 2012
Hello again one and all, Kaimoi is back with another poem this one entitled "Mother Moon". I hope you enjoy :D
Written by sir alwayne

What Makes A Person A Freak???

/  Friday, August 17, 2012
     Hello one and all, I'm here again with another wonderful and insightful post. The topic on hand is Freaks, and what various little quirks about a person gives them the classification of being Freaky. Before you go any further please note
Written by sir alwayne

GUEST POST: Dance Of Desire

/  Tuesday, August 14, 2012
    Another Poem by my friend Kaimoi. If you enjoyed the last one then you are almost certainly bound to enjoy this one. Just like before NSFW. Give it a read and share your thoughts below. Enjoy :)
Written by sir alwayne

GUEST POST: The Way She Does It

/  Monday, August 13, 2012
     Im back again and what I have is yet another Guest Post by a friend of mine. She goes by the name Kaimoi Nkoi on Facebook. If you want her real name then you're more than welcome to ask her yourself. This is
Written by sir alwayne
     Judging from the title of this post you should already be able to judge what the contents within it contain. That is however, hoping that I have judged my readers in an appropriate manner. With that being said and done, lets get started.
Written by sir alwayne

Hard Candy (A Review)

/  Saturday, August 11, 2012
  Okay so I heard about this movie when it was due to be released and I just never got around to watching it until today. Wow is all I can say about it...just Lets get started on the review now shall
Written by sir alwayne

GUEST POST: I Hate Her...

/  Thursday, August 09, 2012
A lite-erotic poem written by a female friend of mine who goes by the nickname Jordie. You can follow her on Twitter or if you arent really into twitter then you can get talk to her on Facebook. Choose your poison :).  Before you do that however
Written by sir alwayne

Nursery Rhymes: The Truth (Part 1)

/  Wednesday, August 01, 2012
     A somewhat deviated line of thought from my normal posts...but then of course do I ever post anything normal??? Anyway this post is basically about nursery rhymes and seeing them from a different perspective. Some of you may have seen them
Written by sir alwayne
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