Well Dressed Beggars...

/  Monday, December 21, 2015
     I have a small....annoyance. Way too often I'm seeing people come up to me and begging money. Now hold on a second let me finish before you come ready to kill me for lack of compassion. These people come up to
Written by sir alwayne

Dear Future Girlfriend...

/  Tuesday, October 06, 2015
     Dear Future Girlfriend,           By now you should know yourself (I've made this post known to you after all). I'm actually not sure what I want to say to you,
Written by sir alwayne

Tales of the socially ignorant

/  Friday, September 04, 2015
     So what does being social mean to me? Basically logging onto to my favorite game and questing with random people o may or not ever meet face to face in my lifetime. So far this has worked for me to an
Written by sir alwayne

Change The World

/  Friday, September 04, 2015
     Hey guys, its your friendly neighborhood me. I'm here to speak on yet another random topic. However there is one really key difference in this blog post. Its actually not a rant about anything or how this or that sucks or whatever,
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne
     So... I'm 25 26 right... well at the time of writing this sure. Now when we are growing up we all have dreams and aspirations of things we would like to possess or achieved by a certain age. So being the
Written by sir alwayne
     Is it wrong for a man to have more than one wife? Some people will say yes and some will say no. Regardless of your views on the matter both parties are correct. Now let me drop some science on you
Written by sir alwayne

The Business Of Love Pt. 2

/  Monday, March 09, 2015
     Hey guys... I'm back. Promised you a part 2 so here it is. However if you're here and haven't read part 1 then don't get your panties in a bunch... I gotchu. >>>BAM PART 1<<< Holla at me.
Written by sir alwayne
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