Brain Fart: New Age.. Classics?

/  Thursday, October 30, 2014
     So...I'm at work right and the radio a beat some tune and mi deh deh a rock my head and thing.. then it hit me... These songs will be classics in a few years for our current generation...
Written by sir alwayne

Travelling Ebola

/  Thursday, October 16, 2014
     Very short post today, but I really want to know... So tell me now, you have a plane with someone who has been to Liberia and you ALLOW the plane to land? Furthermore you send this person on their merry way
Written by sir alwayne


/  Friday, October 10, 2014
     Hello guys, as usual I'm here to give you my take another topic. Today we are talking about what's on everyone's mind these days... the dreaded Chik-V which is plaguing the Caribbean currently AND Ebola.
Written by sir alwayne

You NEED to have a girl.

/  Friday, September 26, 2014
     So it has been brought to my attention, that in order to validate my existence as a man, it's imperative that I have a special female in my life ie: Girlfriend, Wifey. . . Wut????????
Written by sir alwayne

The Constant Conversationalist

/  Thursday, September 25, 2014
     Hello again guys, short little post today I guess. Apparently I'm just a tad bit too nice for my own good. I find it hard to be rude to people sometimes I suppose.
Written by sir alwayne

GUEST POST: 10 Question

/  Thursday, September 25, 2014
     Welcome one and all to another Guest Post [Haven't done one of these in a while]. You've seen his work here before and I'm here to show it to you once more. I give you '10 Question' by Britton Wright
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne

Gender Biases?

/  Saturday, August 30, 2014
     Hi, Hello, How you guys doing? So today I'm going to be talking about Gender Biases [as the topic states] However! It is not talking about biases against females. No, not at all, today it will be about Biases targeted at
Written by sir alwayne

Guess Who's Back!

/  Friday, August 22, 2014
I'M BACK!      Guess who's back, back again! Brady's back tell a friend (or just women). Yes the great me has returned to your monitors, phone screens etc. Rejoice and be in awe of my presence... or just stop by say hi
Written by sir alwayne
           Hey guys, being the pessimist that I am, I'm willing to bet that a majority of you who have read my posts before are not really missing my views on things. However I am starting my come back
Written by sir alwayne
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