For all those who have heard of the Dutty Bwoy series brought to you by MentalChung, you should know that his latest instalment has dropped and it lives up to expectations! Had me laughing from the start I swear!! If you dont know
Written by sir alwayne

How Da Party Ya Look Suh?

/  Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Ok so this one is directed at the Party People. Now I am not one who goes out and parties on a regular basis but when I do I go and I enjoy myself right. So the idea for this post came to
Written by sir alwayne

Friends Of Necessity

/  Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Not calling anybodies name but I shall just be saying my piece and going along on my merry way. Oh i ont even be correcting mistakes i make in this with spelling or capitalization or whatever, i just cant be bothered. Any who,
Written by sir alwayne

Facebook: The Different Species

/  Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Hello world! Today on National Geographic, we are exploring the the land known as Facebook. We shall be looking at some of the species which exist in this territory and giving you some details along with their appropriate classifications. So strap in and
Written by sir alwayne
So you know that awkward moment when you gather up the courage to tell someone how you feel and then nothing? Person doesn't say a thing in reply??? Yeah, happened again. Sucks doesn't it? What makes these things worse is when they say "Awww  that's sweet... I like you
Written by sir alwayne
First of let me say, this is in no way meant to be a racist banter. So don't even come at me with that. I'm simply stating what is obvious and what some people fail to see. What is freedom???? free·dom/ˈfrēdəm/ Noun: The power or
Written by sir alwayne

SOPA, PIPA and now CISPA???

/  Saturday, April 14, 2012
The government just refuses to give up. WHY do they feel the need to try and control the internet???? Who gave the US government the right to try and regulate it??? The internet belongs to no one in particular, it belongs to ALL
Written by sir alwayne
Friday the 13th that one day which is the most feared among those with superstitious beliefs. You are usually told not to walk no cracks, walk under ladders, be extra careful with mirrors and avoid black cats by any means necessary. Why is
Written by sir alwayne

Psssst, Bitch!

/  Thursday, April 12, 2012
"Pssst", you can hear this sound daily on just about every street corner. It is most often followed by someone shouting or whispering under their breath the word "Bitch". Now when this occurs its usually some guy on the corner sees a cute
Written by sir alwayne
So I recently did a post relating to the dreaded Friendzone. It got me wondering, what do we as a people really want??? Do we really want to get into relationships or is it that we just want the benefits that the relationship
Written by sir alwayne
See the title????? I'm guessing I'm not the only one who has had those words thrown at them right???? I absolutely HATE when people say that to me -____- it totally pisses me off. Yuh just DASH mi whe! You want to know
Written by sir alwayne

Monogamy... Taught? (Brain Fart)

/  Saturday, April 07, 2012
So I was scrolling down my twitter timeline one day (don't remember exactly when) when I see a tweet from this chick right here>>> @iAmCandyCane (she changes here name alot so yeah. Don't ask why i follow her just continue reading -_- )
Written by sir alwayne

Who Pays???? (Brain Fart)

/  Friday, April 06, 2012
So girls nowadays are a trip...well most of them anyway. I mean for years now women have been fighting to be independent, wanna have their own money and shit. Spend it whenever wherever on whoever and whatever they want right. So why is
Written by sir alwayne
This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post. This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Written by sir alwayne

Beer Troubleshooting Guide

/  Wednesday, April 04, 2012
SYMPTOM: Beer unusually pale and tasteless.  FAULT: Glass empty.  ACTION: Get someone to buy you another beer.  SYMPTOM: Opposite wall covered with fluorescent lights.  FAULT: You have fallen over backward.  ACTION: Have yourself latched to bar.  SYMPTOM: Mouth contains cigarette butts.  FAULT: You
Written by sir alwayne

Forced to Settle

/  Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Go through college get your certification in ur career path, you spend over a million dollars to go to university to get a degree, masters and so on. Then you go out there to find a job in your field hoping to get some
Written by sir alwayne
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