#StoryTime September 1st, 2016
So #Storytime yeah? So this all happened one day this week.... yesterday to be precise. So there I was as usual at work doing awesome things yeah? Breakfast done ready and everything set up fi the morning bellies.
Manager whe mi despise (See previous story) come over to the food court bout 3 separate times for some reason. Anyway him lef and go back round a front end zeen this crackhead who just lef ova ya, ago tek up phone fi call BACk ova ya fi tell ME say ME mus make a breakfast and carry come give him... Him touch inna di head nuh trrue??? SMH mi share the bickle enuh but mi mek sure a smaddy else carry dat cause him wouldna get it if a did me one! Anyway moving on enuh, the people dem start come in so we start serve the bickle give dem and such the one dem who done already put down them trays and the clean tray dem finish zeen so mi go so BOOm tell cashier say mi a go clean the tray dem. You wha know SAY this fassy call back over deh again and a ask Where the servcer dem deh 

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