Came to my attention this night/morning by @MzSkullkandy its all about Gold Diggers and Players basically.   Yeah so basically it goes like this "All Women Want men for their money, and all men want women for their pussy" and this is basically true
Written by sir alwayne


/  Sunday, January 23, 2011
What the hell could she have possibly have done to make him do this to her??? This Is Just SO WRONG Smh The Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not Matter.
Written by sir alwayne
So Kartel has Jamaica wrapped so much around his fingers that any piece of shit he speaks is automatically a hit. And no matter what it is he says he will always have someone listening, no matter what he does someone follows. Now,
Written by sir alwayne

Signs Of A Basic Bitch/Waste Gyal

/  Thursday, January 20, 2011
Now Ladies I Nah Call No Name... BUT im almost not tekkin back no talk. If you find that any of these qualitites describe you the guess what you are a DING DING DING Basic Bitch now sit back and tick all that
Written by sir alwayne
The mighty Breasts!!! :D99 words for boobs - watch more funny videosThe Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not Matter. The mighty Breasts!!! :D99 words for boobs - watch more funny videosThe Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not
Written by sir alwayne
So I had just finished eating lunch and I was sitting and making it all sink in. Some of my coworkers were talking and all that jazz won't tell you about what tho (*cough* Negril *cough*) and the topic came up about how
Written by sir alwayne

Wikileaks is at it again :)

/  Monday, January 17, 2011
So i saw this post today on On The Ground New Reports facebook page  and it caught my interest. Wikileaks is not playing around! I wonder what this information will unfold about the 40 politicians. In about two weeks we will find out A
Written by sir alwayne
So the blog awards have come and gone and the bloggers were highly rewarded (winners got blackberries!!) All who won deserved it although some i never expected. Now seeing as i wasn't there i watched it on a video stream so the quality wasn't all
Written by sir alwayne

Lovers Dance

/  Saturday, January 15, 2011
The midnight sun gazes upon our bodies Intertwined in the dance of love Two bodies becoming one As nature has blessed us The cool air causes strange but welcome sensations as it breathes upon our skins Your long dark hair covers your supple
Written by sir alwayne

The Death Of The Dough Boy

/  Saturday, January 15, 2011
Dear friends,         It is with the saddest heart that I pass on the following. Please join me in remembering a great icon. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He
Written by sir alwayne

Little Goth Girl

/  Saturday, January 15, 2011
When you look at me Tell me what you see do you see a dark hearted person or someone full of glee i am a non conformist my rules they are my own and i know ill reap the benefits of the things
Written by sir alwayne

What's Done In The Dark.....

/  Friday, January 14, 2011
I left you for a week I went on a business trip I told myself I wasn't going to let my mind slip I wouldn't flirt with any girls I'd try my best to not break your heart  No matter the space between
Written by sir alwayne
Come on we ALLL have that one person thats exactly like this!!!
Written by sir alwayne

If animals were able to talk...

/  Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Okay now THIS is funny!!!! :D
Written by sir alwayne
8:15 reach work 1:00 went for lunch 5:00 balance and close off So you see my day basically went well. So you might just wonder why my face so long in the subject line -____- well there's a simple explanation.
Written by sir alwayne
Thou Shalt Not Bite #ThatIsAll Nigga Got murdered in a freestyle battle. Well he wasnt freestyling anyway so #KanyeShrug... Press Play :)
Written by sir alwayne

Gullibles Travels : Facebook Edition

/  Saturday, January 08, 2011
So everybody on facebook is going nuts due to a post saying "Facebook Will Be Shutting Down On March 15th" how gullible can one be???? Firstly if facebook WAS going to shut down dont you think they would have given some form of notification
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne

January 6, 2011.......

/  Saturday, January 08, 2011
I got here early....8:15 matter of choice tho >.< Wonder when them plan fi start the meeting tho >.> 8:30 meeting ready fi start.......
Written by sir alwayne

Love Song

/  Wednesday, January 05, 2011
I like the sound of your heartbeat because it plays ma favorite song I only wish that I could listen to it all day long I barely know you but feelings for you I have Whenever I see your face I'm happy I'm
Written by sir alwayne

Love letter

/  Wednesday, January 05, 2011
To Ms Right  Sub: Offer of love!  Dearest Ms Right,  I am very happy to inform you that I have fallen in Love with you since the 14th of October (Saturday). With reference to the meeting held between us on the 13th of Oct.
Written by sir alwayne
8:45 I'm late yeah I'm hardcore like that <.< Anyway I was pissed off just before I reached work today. Why? Cuz I found out I left my fucking wallet at home -_____- mi know when 12:00 the worms in ma belly are
Written by sir alwayne

The Darkness Within

/  Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Look inside of my heart, look deep within my soul The goodness and joy within me has disappeared This darkness has taken over, the darkside is my new light My heart is blackened and shaped in hatred
Written by sir alwayne

Dear Life ...

/  Tuesday, January 04, 2011
So this is actually a dub poem so the flow is sorta random but yeah enjoy it...
Written by sir alwayne

Twins ... Grin and Bear it :D

/  Tuesday, January 04, 2011
A very loud, unattractive, mean, nasty woman walked into Wal-Mart with her two kids, yelling obscenities at them all the way through the entrance. The Wal-Mart Greeter said pleasantly "Good morning, and welcome to Wal-Mart. Nice children you have there. Are they twins?"?
Written by sir alwayne
It's not difficult to make a woman happy. A man only needs to be:
Written by sir alwayne

Crimson Regret

/  Tuesday, January 04, 2011
The blood stains on my hands tell the tale Of all that took place that fateful day I don't know what came over me I just knew that I wanted to watch her bleed
Written by sir alwayne

Second Work Day >.< Bah....

/  Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Day started out quite uneventful :/ So its 9:50 right now just finished reading the star and now I'm reading the observer. Legal Witchcraft??? O_o smh. Anyway finished reading the observer. I'm bored and have nothing to do :( its 10:11 this is
Written by sir alwayne

January 3,2011 First Work Day

/  Monday, January 03, 2011
So this is the story of my first day of work in this new year 2010 wait sorry I mean 2011. That mistake was expected I'm still used to it being 2010 go figure. Anywho I have already stated that I'm easily annoyed
Written by sir alwayne

The Strangeness That Is Me....

/  Sunday, January 02, 2011
100, 90, 80, 70, 60 Random Truths Stuff About Me Stuff 1. I Prefer Texting to Dialing a number and talking to you over the know...cuz im hardcore like that 2. I Despise when people call and hang up expecting me to call
Written by sir alwayne
Even in death his words speak meaning take a listen......
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne
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