Gold Diggers, Players, Hoes 'N PIMPs

But with that being said you should know where im going with the rest of this here paragraph.......If you only want a man for his money (And we have said this is right...nuh badda seh you nebba cuz its in the fine print seh if you read you hagree!!) and that said man happens to be your PIMP then you basically sellin the man you pum pum which makes you a??? Come on ladies you know what im talking bout!!! No?? Ok Let Luda Tell YA!!
This next video says it all btw watch :)
unuh still deh ya???? lol a joke *takes up back mic* But seriously though its basically how things work. we as men just choose to accept the role of PIMP a mean...SOMEONES gotta do it. and lord knows that MEN cant sell pussy on account of we dont have one. With the exception of some men who ARE the pussies...that however is different rant all together
PS: This is also more widely recognized in Marriage :D TEEHEE!! *splurts* Me Gawn!!! AWOH
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