Love Song

I like the sound of your heartbeat because it plays ma favorite song
I only wish that I could listen to it all day long
I barely know you but feelings for you I have
Whenever I see your face I'm happy I'm glad

I know you've been hurt I know you might be down
But I'm willing to hurt for you and rid you of that frown
I love your beautiful smile its the sunshine in my heart
Before I first saw it my heart was in the dark
I only need you to know this isn't a one time thing
I will love you everyday of the year because its what my heart sings
I just want you to forget anything that makes you cry
I want you to think of me as the one that makes you smile
Now I know you might be saying I move a bit too fast
But I only want us to have the time to make it work, to make it last
Let me show you love exists let me show you that its real
Let me love you as I always have and like I always will
I see you as my princess I just want you to be mine
I want to make you my queen make you even more divine
This might sound a bit crazy but every word is true
Sweety I just wanted to let you know that I Love you!

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone powered by Claro 3G.



  1. Awe this one is sweet!

  2. Get back to writing ... I CHARGE YOU TO BE RE-INSPIRED :D

  3. I dont have anything inspiring me write now thats the thing :( Give me some inspiration nuh


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