
     As some of you may already know [if you had read it in a recent post], I have started attending an Open Mic session on Tuesdays. Poetry, Songs that sort of thing. It is due to this that I have started taking up poetry yet again. It is also due to this occurrence that you see so many poems being posted lately. I have met quite a few wonderful people since I've started going and I can also say my mind finally has something "New" to do again. With all that said, I wrote this poem Along with another entitled "Beside Myself" one Tuesday morning when I woke up around four AM. As you may or may not be able to deduce I wrote it about a girl I have taken a deep liking to... Enjoy? :)


There is a fire that burns when we lock eyes together
I don't know if you feel it or its my own personal weather
Every time I stare I feel it burn hotter and hotter
If this fire is love lets make an inferno
Let me strip you down and caress your thighs
Stare your body down make love to you with my eyes
Let me play with your nipples run my fingers down your chest
Let them come to rest at the point where your legs intersect
Prepare your self for the main attraction
As I slide in by just a tiny fraction
I want to tease you like you tease me with your presence
I'm going to tease you till you're begging for heaven
Playing ring games with your clit as I nibble on your neck
Your pussy begging for insertion
But its needs remain unmet
I keep playing my games and enjoying your tormented lust
You finally scream stick that fucking thing in me I love when you cuss
So I oblige as I slide deep inside as the tide of your body falls in stride with mine
And we ride to the climax that you so desire
Its the fire
Now we're burning up in lust but just don't care
We continue to fuck you claw at the sheets as I pull your hair
But you're not so easily tamed
Harder faster you start screaming but then you remember to say my name
I'm energized i start to tear you up as you thrust back and attack you make it rough
Before I finish however before I bust a nut
I hear a faint voice saying wake the fuck up
I rub my eyes it was a day dream but it felt so real
Yet there you are standing naked in front of me
You're pointing to the bed and these words escape your lips
You say "well? Are you ready for this?"
Things are about to get heated


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