Brain Fart (Short)

/  Sunday, December 18, 2011
"kiss me like you miss me, fuck me like you hate me & when you're fuckin' someone else just fuck her like she aint me damn those words are scary...." Does this make any sense at all to any one???? :/  First its
Written by sir alwayne

Da AIDS sittn deh... Cure????

/  Thursday, December 01, 2011
So today is December 1st in the year 2011. World AIDS day. Are you tested??? Have you been tested?? Are you GOING to be tested??? Suppose you hear the news that you are positive??? What then???? I shudder to think about it. But
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne
Social Networking has become a part of everyones life due to our constant need to communicate with friends, family loved ones etc. This communication has however, slowly moved from a direct contact to one less tangible. Facebook and Twitter are two of such
Written by sir alwayne

Blackberry thingy...

/  Tuesday, July 19, 2011
This is just a little informative post will be super short. As the title states, the famous Blackberry. When you have one of these smart phones the main thing you will be doing on it is using the BBM or BlackBerry Messenger. Now
Written by sir alwayne

Transformers DOTM (A Review)

/  Thursday, June 30, 2011
OMG omFg dotm was action packed! It started of post the first installment. It tells the story of what pushed man to journey to the moon and what really took place up there. One thing I liked about this one, is you actually
Written by sir alwayne

Pants Foot Of Doom -_____-

/  Thursday, June 30, 2011
(8)Hopped up out ma bed turn the alarm off(8) and it all went downhill from there -____- well not at that point really but you'll understand as you read along. So here I am just turn off the alarm and close my eyes
Written by sir alwayne

Love, Sex....Lies????

/  Wednesday, June 29, 2011
     The word "Love" has in recent times begun to be flung around without meaning and thus diffusing its worth and wealth of power. Love nowadays could be seen as the next fling you will see yourself having with you favourite fuck buddy
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne


/  Wednesday, June 08, 2011
I never quite figured out why the sexual urge of men and women differ so much. And I never have figured out the whole Venus and Mars thing. I have never figured out why men think with their head and women with their
Written by sir alwayne

Facts About Breasts

/  Saturday, June 04, 2011
Ah yes :D we are back again on my favorite topic... BREASTS. In this installment i will share a few facts which i found on the net, so get your pen and paper and take notes.... #1. The Average breast weighs in at
Written by sir alwayne
 Click ME to go to the site i got this from Man, I wish I'd never found that goddamn lamp. Stupid fucking genie. I just had to blurt it out, didn't I? "I wish I were immortal!" Half the time they can't even
Written by sir alwayne

Like Moth To A Flame

/  Thursday, May 19, 2011
I passed you time and time again and yet you didnt flinch, you just sat there. I dont know if you were looking at me or not but i knew my mouth watered everytime i saw you, I had to have you, I
Written by sir alwayne

Women and Dick.....

/  Monday, May 16, 2011
“Mi nuh wha no man wid no likkle dick! Mi wha feel it up inna mi belly” That’s what you hear a majority of the female population saying nowadays. The sad truth however is that most of them can’t even handle the power
Written by sir alwayne
Its a growing epidemic and its really starting to Grind My Gears!!! >.< How DUMB do you have to be to not realize what links on face book are virus related!!! HUH!!! Oh Lookie Here You can see who viewed your profile Oh
Written by sir alwayne

I Am My Own Grandpa...

/  Saturday, April 30, 2011
Many, many years ago When I was twenty-three, I got married to a widow Who was pretty as could be. This widow had a daughter Who had hair of red My father fell in love with her, And soon the two were wed.
Written by sir alwayne
I'm Once again Crying my heart out there's no end The Forever Tears have found their way into my life again The pain is unbearable but bear it i must Pain is my my only escape in this pain i must trust My
Written by sir alwayne

Rules To Living

/  Saturday, April 30, 2011
1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.   2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.   3. Follow the three Rs:        A. Respect for self                                                                      B. Respect for others   
Written by sir alwayne

The Pizza Man....

/  Saturday, April 30, 2011
It was late, I ordered a pizza, and I was very stoned. I ran down and I saw a guy, standing there, with a big bag and at this point, I was like a bull seeing red, I knew my pizza was in
Written by sir alwayne

Love, Sex & Friendship

/  Thursday, April 14, 2011
     The search for the perfect relationship continues for many people myself included. It may never be located but a perfect match on the other hand is not so difficult to find as is the relationship. First let us list a few terms:
Written by sir alwayne

Giving Up

/  Saturday, April 09, 2011
Ill start with this quote I found once while site jumping around the Internet, it reads "Giving up does not mean you are weak, sometimes it means you are strong enough to walk away" Continuing I will say I'm giving up on a
Written by sir alwayne
Social networking as I have found out is basically a disease which spreads faster than any STD known to man. In essence social networking is a killer. It clouds the mind of those it gets a hold of and deludes you into thinking
Written by sir alwayne

I am, Dot Dot Dot. . .

/  Friday, April 08, 2011 do i word this??? *sigh* Have you ever sat down and thought about what exactly it is you want in this world???? How you go about it???? Risks you would take to get it????? Most likely yes. Some of you have gone
Written by sir alwayne

The Illusion Of Reality....

/  Thursday, April 07, 2011
I used to think i was the only one who considered that whatever it is we perceive with the naked eye or with all our combined senses for that matter were all figments of our imagination. Apparently im not, and my deductions were
Written by sir alwayne

How To Win An Argument

/  Thursday, April 07, 2011
SCHOPENHAUER'S 38 STRATAGEMS, OR 34 WAYS TO WIN AN ARGUMENT Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), was a brilliant German philosopher. These 34 Stratagems are excerpts from "The Art of Controversy", first translated into English and published in 1896. Schopenhauer's 34 ways to win an argument
Written by Dat Nigguh

Bad Bitch vs Real Woman

/  Wednesday, April 06, 2011
First of all let us define a few words Bad: Having undesirable or negative qualities; below average in quality or performance; Bitch: Cunt: a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked; Female Dog; Real: Not to be taken lightly;
Written by sir alwayne

Wash WHICH PANTY!!!???

/  Wednesday, April 06, 2011
So here i was going about my day as per usual when all of a sudden i see a tweetdeck notification. It reads:  @Khaos_Music: Question...  Do you think its right for a man to be washing his girlfriend's underwear? "Hand Wash?" If yes,
Written by sir alwayne

March 3rd 1989

/  Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Yeah so upon random click on random websites i happened to chance upon something this morning and it had to do with my date of birth and all the things attached to it. So i decided to write this post and share it
Written by sir alwayne

Four Jamaicans

/  Sunday, March 27, 2011
Four Jamaicans were sitting smoking weed They were all philosophizing on what was the fastest thing in the world. Natty said, " Me tink de fassis ting is a thought, because b4 u can tink it, it already thought." G B said, "
Written by sir alwayne
We have all had that one person who complains about this and that when it comes to a one night stand, booty call, one time fling etc. Frankly some of these people can be VEEERY annoying and as such contracts / agreements have
Written by sir alwayne
So we have gone over Twitter Etiquette and we have gone over Facebook Etiquette but there's yet another form of communication in which quite a few people need a bit of drawing up in, and that is as the title states Blackberry Etiquette
Written by sir alwayne

How To: Stalker 101

/  Friday, March 18, 2011
People tend to think that being a stalker is an easy venture but in truth and in fact its a very difficult task. Many different criteria have to be filled in order for someone to successfully be a stalker and stalk someone. A
Written by sir alwayne
Sáni Xclamation says: It's always the prettiest girls who prefer girls. Why?? Alwayne Says:  This was asked on facebook and on twitter and there was a slow but steady influx of replies mostly by the female species if i may add and there
Written by sir alwayne

Letting Go....

/  Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Voices haunt me the voices in my head I can't seem to stop the razor because it wants me dead They say the good die first but that seems to be a lie Unless it means I'm bad because I am still alive
Written by sir alwayne

The Fallen

/  Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I am strong and yet I am weak Torn from my throne Thrown to the dogs thrown from my home My life has been changed in more ways than one Dishonored and failed by my daughters and sons I'm no longer as powerful
Written by sir alwayne

Pain Is Bliss

/  Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Another day in the life and times of me Another day added on to the last time I've seen your face I've been counting for three years now unable to forget your touch Unable to forget your smell or your face I've been
Written by sir alwayne
So i recently did a post on a list of some things you should not do on Twitter here>>> Twitter Etiquette <<< so i thought to would only be fair to do one for facebook right???? Yeah So Here is a list
Written by sir alwayne
So we all know about the social networking website known as Twitter, well we all should anyway #KanyeShrug. But we all know that with every bit of knowledge there is an equally opposite lack of it. So let me educate some of you
Written by sir alwayne

This Is Me

/  Monday, March 07, 2011
     Hi my name is Brady Alwayne Brown. I was born in Mandeville, Manchester JM. on the 3rd Day Of The 3rd Month in the 89 year of my century. At the time im a single 22 year old. This post was
Written by sir alwayne

My Bucket List

/  Sunday, March 06, 2011
Alwaynes Bucket List Now we all know what a bucket list is...or at least we should.....if not your probably ready to kick the bucket now *gives bucket and wait for you to kick* ( CLICK ME ) for those of you who do
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne

Alienation, Corruption and Whatever

/  Tuesday, February 22, 2011
     Has anyone ever had certain thoughts locked away in their mind and hear someone else speak on it and all those thoughts start to swim around in your head? That's what happened to me yesterday from a surprising yet not so
Written by sir alwayne
Written by sir alwayne


/  Sunday, February 13, 2011
i was shaking my head the whole time watching this. and dat nigga be nasty as fuck having all that phlegm hanging out and still talking. on the flipside however the chick is fucked up for even posting it "/ give us your
Written by Dat Nigguh

A Good Fuck.....

/  Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Good sexual intercourse lasts minutes, not hours, therapists say Satisfactory sexual intercourse for couples lasts from 3 to 13 minutes, contrary to popular fantasy about the need for hours of sexual activity, according to a survey of U.S. and Canadian sex therapists. Penn
Written by sir alwayne

Pretty Girls......

/  Saturday, February 05, 2011
Sooooo its another day at work yup but enough about that.....for now. The topic right now is "Pretty Girls" but apparently I left a word out of that topic. The revised topic reads "Pretty Dunce Girls" These types of women are the ones
Written by sir alwayne

Dark Embrace

/  Thursday, February 03, 2011
The mind works in mysterious ways You can be asleep and yet be wide awake Your subconscious coming alive As your consciousness ebbs away My subconscious doesn't seem to like me She tells me time and time again How much it word be
Written by sir alwayne

This Shit is TOO funny =))

/  Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Disgracing to Jamaican women as well as jamaica on a whole but seriously. Look pan har??? She a HUGLY mafucka and a gwaan like seh rae an tae tssssk. all i know is i was laughing mad hard when them start beat her
Written by sir alwayne
Came to my attention this night/morning by @MzSkullkandy its all about Gold Diggers and Players basically.   Yeah so basically it goes like this "All Women Want men for their money, and all men want women for their pussy" and this is basically true
Written by sir alwayne


/  Sunday, January 23, 2011
What the hell could she have possibly have done to make him do this to her??? This Is Just SO WRONG Smh The Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not Matter.
Written by sir alwayne
So Kartel has Jamaica wrapped so much around his fingers that any piece of shit he speaks is automatically a hit. And no matter what it is he says he will always have someone listening, no matter what he does someone follows. Now,
Written by sir alwayne

Signs Of A Basic Bitch/Waste Gyal

/  Thursday, January 20, 2011
Now Ladies I Nah Call No Name... BUT im almost not tekkin back no talk. If you find that any of these qualitites describe you the guess what you are a DING DING DING Basic Bitch now sit back and tick all that
Written by sir alwayne
The mighty Breasts!!! :D99 words for boobs - watch more funny videosThe Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not Matter. The mighty Breasts!!! :D99 words for boobs - watch more funny videosThe Truth Of The Matter Is, The Truth Does Not
Written by sir alwayne
So I had just finished eating lunch and I was sitting and making it all sink in. Some of my coworkers were talking and all that jazz won't tell you about what tho (*cough* Negril *cough*) and the topic came up about how
Written by sir alwayne

Wikileaks is at it again :)

/  Monday, January 17, 2011
So i saw this post today on On The Ground New Reports facebook page  and it caught my interest. Wikileaks is not playing around! I wonder what this information will unfold about the 40 politicians. In about two weeks we will find out A
Written by sir alwayne
So the blog awards have come and gone and the bloggers were highly rewarded (winners got blackberries!!) All who won deserved it although some i never expected. Now seeing as i wasn't there i watched it on a video stream so the quality wasn't all
Written by sir alwayne
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