You hear phrases like: “I can talk to you about anything,“ “You‘re really a nice guy,” “You‘re like a brother to me,” “You‘re my best friend,” and “You understand me."
You finally work up the courage to ask her out and she tells you: “I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship,” “I like you too much to go out with you,” “I don’t want to risk losing what we have,” and so on.
She tells you all about her problems with men.
She asks you for advice about the men she’s attracted to.
She tells you excitedly, “I just met this really great guy!”
Okay if your reading this you probably have nothing better to do with your life... Like myself which is why I'm writing this in the first place. Anyway, as the topic states this post is all about your Ex. Let's begin with a story... *cue time warp fade effect*
Soo i was sitting lastnight (March 4 2011) and thinking about something when all of a sudden some celebs started popping up in and around my thought pattern so i decide what the heck name some of the ones id love to fuck right so here is just a few of them in no particular order >:)
So another valentimes (Single Awareness Day) day came and went without fail. You may be wondering why I spelt it "ValentiMes". Well thats simply to bring forward the fact that some people don't know what love is at any other point throughout the year except for this day. That and its how I used to say it when I was younger :) anywho that's not really the point of the whole matter so let's get down to the nitty gritty of it (I always wanted to say that :D )
Many wallets were emptied by men to purchase many variations of chocolates and teddy bears for their "special someone" and many a woman has to be in bed today due to be the overuse of their babymaker programming. I on the other hand woke up went to work went home jumped on the internet then went to bed. The way I see it that was a day well spent. Now for all of you who celebrate this day, good for you and all but I for one won't be celebrating this day anytime soon. You may ask why and ill tell you by giving you a short history lesson.
February 14th 1492 was the day when a man by the name of PEDRO VALENTINO of SPAIN was caught having sexual intercourse with a child. The christians of Spain caught him red handed and handed him to the authorities. He was sentenced to death. His last words were 'I did this in the name of love'. He also drew the heart symbol <3 if you turn it upside down it looks like an ass/bottom. All the homosexuals announced that this day should be The Day of LOVE and gave PEDRO VALENTINO the title SAINT. since then this day got to be called
A few of you might say youre not celebrating it for that reason or make up some excuse but guess what?? The fact still remains the origins of the day weren't exactly first class standards.
Now you decide what you want to do and don't feel bad if you were alone yesterday!!!
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