Hello again to all you wonderful people who continually return to read the words my mind throws up on your monitors. In today's post we will be looking at "On-line Relationships". The Pros the Cons and whether or not they are destined to fail
Before I actually begin, I would first like to say that I JUST realized that I didn't do a review of 2011 :/ that kinda sucks on a major scale. HOWEVER!!! I DID do a 2010 Review so that kinda doesn't suck right? You can
Hello one and all. Its Christmas season... again. You know what that means don't you??? Christmas songs blaring through the airwaves day in and day out. Over and over and over... and over again. So today I have decided to make this post
Hello one and all! I havent done a review in a while but I believe the time is upon us where I should do one out of the kindness of my heart... Anyway, the movie in question today is... yes you
Hello, and howdy do to all who take the time out to read the rantings and ravings of a self proclaimed Introvert. Today topic is all about The Dating Game and how it is impacted upon by "The Looks Department". It will
Hello once again to all who take the time to actually read the things I post here. Today I take a personal route and talk about something that's getting to me.
Trick or Treat!!! Trick or Treat!!! Yes ladies and gentlemen we are in the month of October. For many countries around the world, this month marks a certain holiday. This holiday is known as... Halloween.
Welcome again one and all to yet again, another spur of the moment blog post. I shall be filing this under brain fart... just because I can. So what we are looking at today is nothing major but just something I've
Hello again one and all, I have kept you waiting for a good while now for a new post, and you shall have it. Today in this wonderment which is my mind, we try to answer the following question: Why is it
The subject matter on which this post is based on, is one which has for years been seen as unsettled. That subject matter just happens to be the great debate on how it is that a man may do whatever he
I told you guys before enuh. I TOLD you. Not everything you hear and see you must follow. This entertainer Tommy Lee has just like Kartel, brainwashed the Jamaican people. Everywhere you turn you see people throwing up the hand sign
Hello, hello... ladies and gentlemen. Its has come to my attention (not really) that some women are still not understanding the difference between being fat and being fluffy. For those who arent Jamaican, Fluffy is (as you can see from the
As many of you may know by now, I am currently unemployed. If you didn't know this already then now you know. It is not the fact that I am unemployed that we are speaking about today however, it is the fact that
You may have figured out by now that I am sort of a ranter (if that is really a word), and I am here with another short rant today. Its about something I really hate. I don't know why I hate
Hello again one and all. We are here once more with yet another Guest Post. The topic on hand this time around is Shackles places on males/females in relationships by their partners. This was written by none other that @SwadeDaVillain. Its
"She's too good for you bro", "She's out of your league", "Don't even bother, you cant get with her...", "In your dreams..." and the list goes on. These and many more phrases can typically be heard once an average guy (such as myself)
Hello one and all, I'm here again with another wonderful and insightful post. The topic on hand is Freaks, and what various little quirks about a person gives them the classification of being Freaky. Before you go any further please note
Another Poem by my friend Kaimoi. If you enjoyed the last one then you are almost certainly bound to enjoy this one. Just like before NSFW. Give it a read and share your thoughts below. Enjoy :)
Im back again and what I have is yet another Guest Post by a friend of mine. She goes by the name Kaimoi Nkoi on Facebook. If you want her real name then you're more than welcome to ask her yourself. This is
Judging from the title of this post you should already be able to judge what the contents within it contain. That is however, hoping that I have judged my readers in an appropriate manner. With that being said and done, lets get started.
Okay so I heard about this movie when it was due to be released and I just never got around to watching it until today. Wow is all I can say about it...just ....wow... Lets get started on the review now shall
A lite-erotic poem written by a female friend of mine who goes by the nickname Jordie. You can follow her on Twitter or if you arent really into twitter then you can get talk to her on Facebook. Choose your poison :). Before you do that however
A somewhat deviated line of thought from my normal posts...but then of course do I ever post anything normal??? Anyway this post is basically about nursery rhymes and seeing them from a different perspective. Some of you may have seen them
"SWAG!" the Teenage Latino whispered, as he posted yet another photo of Kicks and a Snapback on Instagram.... Everyone alive today and actively participates in online activities has most likely already heard this terminology being used over and over.....and over again.
Hey guys, its me again...on the agenda today we have "Dick Riders".... Yeah I Said It!! When I say dick riders however I dont mean it in a sexual manner. No not one bit, but before I actually get into the
Foreplay....an art-form which is on the brink of extinction. The reason for this lies mainly on the fact that most people are only capable of finding the time to cater to themselves when it comes to sex. Before I get into this however
Just found this and thought it was an interesting read. Here's the page I got it from (source) although it looks like the site has been moved to a new location. Enjoy :)
I look into the mirror I know what I see is me But is it the me of now? Or the me I used to be I see myself alone and yet I'm with my friends My heart begins to groan for I foresee the end
LOCKOUT Welcome back one and all, I am here again with another movie review. This time we take a look at the movie Lockout. Though you should have realized that already from the title... Anyway, where do I begin??? Continue reading after the
Ok guys I am here again with another short post dealing with, yes you guessed correctly, Breasts. Now I am of the belief that women should be able to show their breast in the same way a man can walk around
Madagascar 3: Europes Most Wanted I don't know if its the kid in me or what but i thoroughly enjoyed this movie right here :). I was just a teensy bit sceptical at first about it because in my mind I couldn't
You see the topic of rape is widely talked about you know, and there are many who have mixed feelings and views on how rape stands when its a woman doing it to a man. So let us debate... Can a
Speech Enuh~ -In my announcer voice- The final nominee for the award of Versatile blogger goes to .... drum roll please *drumroll* ME!!!!! *runs wildly onto stage grabs award and mic* First off I want to thank my family and friend *fake
Greetings one and all, I'm back with another interesting post here. Today we'll be looking at something that not many people think about ie: Should women take the initiative when it comes to certain things.... Lets go.
First off lets talk about my awesome title up there :) isnt it awesome. Google translate is my bitch ^_^ but seriously doesnt it sound awesome to say??? Admit it, thats the most badass title you've EVER seen! Right?? Yeah I
First off let me give a shout out to @ShawnaWTF (she has a blog click it >>>> Blog) for telling me about this movie lol. It came out in 2009 and im just watching it, just hearing about it as well so
Ok so this post is completely out of the way crazy, just thought i'd get that out of the way from now. So in this post we will explore a certain theory which all boils down to the simple concept of
You can listen to this while you read. :) Weed vs Government Puff, Puff, Pass is the topic this time folks so for all you smokers this one is for you. Now I myself am not a part of the smoking
In recent times we have seen quite a few self proclaimed "Rastas" walking around most of which are as I like to call them "Fashion Dreads" and there is nothing wrong with that (for the most part). Some of them DO follow the
Greetings, salutations and all the other forms of hello and such you can think of, as you can clearly see from the topic of this post, we are going to find out one thing for certain; is Chivalry "dead" so to
For all those who have heard of the Dutty Bwoy series brought to you by MentalChung, you should know that his latest instalment has dropped and it lives up to expectations! Had me laughing from the start I swear!! If you dont know
Ok so this one is directed at the Party People. Now I am not one who goes out and parties on a regular basis but when I do I go and I enjoy myself right. So the idea for this post came to
Not calling anybodies name but I shall just be saying my piece and going along on my merry way. Oh i ont even be correcting mistakes i make in this with spelling or capitalization or whatever, i just cant be bothered. Any who,
Hello world! Today on National Geographic, we are exploring the the land known as Facebook. We shall be looking at some of the species which exist in this territory and giving you some details along with their appropriate classifications. So strap in and
Model Trains = Fishtanks but cooler
[image: narita express train]
Having a model train set and a miniature railroad is so soothing. It’s kind
of like why people have fish tanks but cooler! T...
Valentine’s Gifts Men want
Valentine’s Gifts Men want Valentine’s Gifts Men want
Howdy!, As you might know there are certain days that women feel strongly
about such as, birthdays, v...
How likely is it to restore the foreskin?
Recovery is probably 100 per cent. Even thousands of years ago, people
practised this, but, of course, in the modern world, ways have changed and
become mu...
Those demons? I slayed them.
It's been 2 good and proper years since I've written a blog, and 5 years
since I spoke on the demons that haunted me when I turned 25.
The Best Lessons I Learned About Failing
As it gets closer to the end of the year, it becomes a time for reflection
and examination. Looking back on the year that has passed and think about
our go...
Mortal Kombat X Video Game Review
Final Verdict - Definitely Worth Playing
Sorry this review took so long but given the shaky release and variable
issues at launch I wanted to wait and gi...
fear & guilt: constants I no longer use in the operation of my life.
fear divides capability & guilt multiplies concern in a way that ultimately
equals le...
The ‘Quarturian’ Effect
“According to my Google search, the word ‘quarturian’ does not exist. I
hereby claim it as my own; quite befitting to describe my current
condition. It has...
Review - The Judge (2014)
Starring Robert Downey Jr, Robert Duvall and Vera Farmiga.
Directed by David Dobkin.
Runtime: 2hrs 22mins
The Judge features a star-studded cast of Robert...
Nastronomical News
I have been so very shy about sharing this news with you all. It feels like
now that I have decided to move on to the next chapter, a fear has set in
that ...
The Best Week Ever!
If you fear getting overly jealous of the week I am about to tell you
about, I suggest you discontinue reading from this point. This has got to
be the bes...
Moments in order to survive.............
In this world, people are always on their Ps and Qs about ways in which to
make it through another day. Whats going to happen to me today?? What ill
be abl...
Home Made Pizza Tutorial
*This is my Home Made Pizza. Something My Aunt and I came up with a few
years ago. *
*It's Easy, Quick, Cheap and Delicious. It's a great idea if You want p...
Friends? ^_- ...^_^
What is a* friend *anyway? Why is it that persons want so many of these so
called "*friends"*? The thing is that many persons misuse the word *friend*. ...
Does he NEED $$$ to love you ?
Yes. Women love diamonds, the million dollar hair products or the fake hair
itself, the fancy dinners and UPT parties. They like to know that their
mate i...